Happy Valentine’s Day!

There are so many conflicting legends regarding Valentine (or Valentina) that no one knows how much is truth and how much is just plain old fiction. Common stories suggest a man who was committed to sharing the message of God to the point that he tried to convince Caesar Claudius II to become a Christian. For his trouble, he was beaten with clubs and stones and then beheaded.

This isn’t exactly a fun story for a day normally associated with flowers, sappy greeting cards, candy, and romantic poetry!

During the days around Valentine’s Day, though, I cannot help but think of what it is that compels so many of our volunteers to travel to Ukraine to teach biblical character, distribute Bibles, and build relationships with children and adults. The motivation that drives our volunteers is simply love: nothing more or less.

Jesus tells us the greatest commands are based summed up in the word love. In Matthew 22 Jesus tells us the highest command is to love God with our entire being and the second command is to love our neighbor, as we tend to love ourselves. The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 and the parable of the Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) make it clear that “neighbor” is an all-inclusive term covering everyone, even (or should I say especially) our enemies.

 Throughout the New Testament, writers like Paul and James echo Jesus’ words that all commands are summed up in the “royal law” which is, “love your neighbor as yourself.” One cannot claim to be a Christian and ignore the command to love God and neighbor. It is the heart of our calling. It is at the heart of our behavior.

 So, as you mail that card, buy that candy, or bouquet of flowers—remember that Valentine gave his life showing God’s love. He believed in this love of God and neighbor. Remember it was love like this that changed a world and can still change a country like Ukraine. It can still change a world–even though it seems like power and violence are winning the day.

On Valentine’s day and every day after, take a moment to pray for our teams who will be working hard to raise funds so they can go and demonstrate God’s love to his children, the Ukrainians. Better yet, after you pray, contact us and see how you can be a part of this amazing opportunity to serve!

 Be God’s “valentine” to someone today!