You Have To Go
Guest post by Sue Ann Mills

I cannot begin to truly explain what happens to you when you open your heart to the ministry of these EEM Youth Camps. I do know what Bible Camp meant to me growing up. Do you remember that feeling of anticipation that you had? You couldn’t wait to see your friends, sing the songs, laugh at everything, and feed on the shared Spirit your life seemed to be lacking.
When I saw the EEM Youth Camp video, I was drawn to the sights and sounds of camp in a faraway place. Brilliant, twinkling eyes and eager smiles. These camps were not like my Bible camp at all. The video said it all, “You have to go”. And “go” I did, over and over again. Seven times to date.
There was an amazing common bond from my camp experience in these children, they genuinely anticipate a summer at camp. But they seem to long for it with more passion than I ever did. This is “The experience” for them for the year. They love being in camp and gladly accept everything that is offered in camp. And we are now a part of that experience. We are allowed to come in and live the love of God and teach his Word! How amazing is that? These are not Bible camps and yet we are sharing the Spirit and love of God.
But there is more.
We have the most amazing interpreters, they are our co-teachers and family. They give up their family time and take their vacation time from work to come share this experience. It is the experience of the year. We love them dearly and cannot survive without their friendships. We connect throughout the year and have an amazing bond. We cannot communicate the love of God without their sincerity and shared love. We share our love of God with one another and then turn that powerful love loose on a camp of hundreds of children, counselors and staff.
It is rushes and ripples like a powerful river through the camp, God is amazing.
He has introduced us to so many new friends. We have met, befriended and love hundreds of sweet faces in a far away place. We see them in our dreams, we seem to look for them in crowds at home and we long to meet them again each summer.
In the past we have traveled to the Eastern side of the country where a war now rages among a people we love. There are prayers and constant communication with so many of them. We will see them again.
I guess you can tell, its not just going to camp, its not just the beginning of throwing the seeds of God’s word. We get to see the instant eager, acceptance the seed will have, and the growth that comes with His power. Then we come back the next year and the next.
It is amazing.
Love God, Love others and go to Ukraine… I can read that in so many places in my Bible. “Here I am Lord, send me”.
He pointed me to Ukraine. He must be pointing you, as well.
Want to come with me?
Sue Ann Mills (Team Imagine)