The Promise of a New Year
As I reflect back upon 2013 I am overwhelmed by the power of faith, love, and grace.
Through God’s love over 1,800 children were taught biblical character. By God’s grace over 2,100 children and adults have received nearly 12,000 Bibles and pieces of biblical literature. Through God’s power 40 US volunteers, 40 Ukrainian interpreters, and dozens of counselors and directors have come together to influence the future of Ukraine!
Because of God’s love and grace those who lived on opposite ends of the world, who would have no reason to know each other, are now close friends and family. God has brought Ukrainians and Americans together. He has taught us how to learn from each other and how to love each other.
God has demonstrated to me over and again that one’s citizenship or economic status has nothing to do with one’s value. Value exists because God values each and every one of us. We are lovable because God loves us and that is enough.
I am overwhelmed and amazed by the dedication of volunteers who sacrifice their own funds to serve children. I am amazed by the faith of new team members who have absolutely no idea how they are going to secure the funds to travel to Eastern Europe, but commit anyway. I am amazed by how they have impacted the lives of children and adults: how people have come another step closer to God through their acts of faithfulness.
Team leaders and team members: thank you for your dedication and faith!
This is not only true of our “traveling team members” but also of our team members who participate by providing funding and prayer support. There are many people who may never go in person, but are thrilled to send others and to actively pray for them. In a true self-sacrificing spirit they allow God to use them to send others.
To you who pray and send: we could not do this without your willingness to be used of God! Thank you so much!
This is not a one-way street.
My colleagues and friends in Ukraine have taught me and my team members so much. They have demonstrated a stubborn faith that refuses to give up on God’s power to make Ukraine a bright and shining light of spirituality, not only in Eastern Europe but throughout the world. They believe God has been busy working in Ukraine for centuries and that he will bring his work to completion. They believe at present he is bringing us together as partners to change the world.
My Ukrainian friends have demonstrated an incredible love and hospitality that says, “I love you because God loves you! I will embrace you as friend and family. There may be huge cultural differences between us–but in spite of those differences I accept you.” Our Ukrainian interpreters, staff members, and colleagues in the summer camps (counselors and directors) are so open to working with us and taking care of us while we are away from our homes. They do everything they can to make certain we do our best for the children–and they stand in for our families at home and thereby become our Ukrainian family!
To my Ukrainian friends and co-workers: Большое спасибо мои дорогие друзья / Велике спасибі мої дорогі друзі! (Thank you so much my dear friends)!
This past year has been filled with the faithfulness of God. I look forward to the promise of this new year and the incredible opportunities to serve that God will provide!
Blessings and peace!