Give Thanks
I have a gratitude journal I keep sporadically. In it I’ve written small essays on rain, daughters, Ukraine, sunshine and a number of people, situations, and things I thank God for.
There are a lot of folks who suffer and go through difficult times. It has always amazed me that those who seem to really suffer tend to be more thankful.
I remember Flora Dollar. Her son lived with her and was totally dependent upon her. He suffered from severe mental disabilities and he experienced very limited mobility. Flora, herself was dirt poor. She also was in terrible health.
As a youth minister in my early 20s I would visit her from time to time just to sit and have conversation. She had her own way of serving others. She wrote note cards to the sick and to the bereaved. Physically she couldn’t get out of her home much to serve others. But she could write notes and she could pray.
She told me once that she felt compelled to do these things because peopled didn’t have it as well as she did! They needed her encouragement and prayers.
It is amazing how those of us who are comfortable tend to complain when things get a little difficult. It’s amazing how we who have so much cry the loudest at discomfort. Now, I can’t point fingers at any particular group. To do so would be unfair and ungracious. I can only look in the mirror and point at myself.
We are called to live grateful lives. We are called to recognize that even if we have troubles and difficulties we have been given so much.
What am I thankful for?
- A God who loves me and a diverse community that is dedicated to loving others.
- A group of likeminded individuals who are so committed to loving kids in Ukraine that they will give up vacation time, raise funds, and even spend their own funds to serve children in youth camps.
- Team Leaders who step up to the plate to lead these great teams.
- An incredible staff at EEM who have a vision for the people of Eastern Europe, who truly believe that God’s word will not return to him empty.
- To work with some of the best people on both sides of the world.
What about you? What are you thankful for?