Why don’t you do a shorter camp stay?
Frequently, I have been asked why we don’t send teams for one week instead of the longer trip (18-21 days). Wouldn’t a shorter trip increase our pool of volunteers?
A shorter mission trip would certainly make it easier to recruit workers. However, the work is not about what is easier for us, but what is most helpful for the children in Ukraine.
It is important to realize the actual camp sessions are three weeks in duration. The camp directors of Ukraine have specifically asked our teams to be in camp for all three weeks, which is impossible for most Americans who have jobs. It would require a trip of 26-28 days.Each year the request for a three week stay is repeated by different directors. We’ve compromised by agreeing to a two week in-camp stay for each team. This is part of our official protocol of agreement between the Camp Association and EEM.
To send a team for a shorter duration would be to break the agreement that is the foundation for our work and demonstrate an unwillingness to respond to their stated needs.
Another reason we choose the longer option is the two week camp stay is much more effective than a one week stay. Everyone who works in our program understands that it isn’t until the beginning of the second week in camp when attitudes shift and children really begin to bond with our team members. It is after a week of laying a foundation of relationships that the work begins to take off.
Those of us who have done short term mission trips of less than two weeks and then experienced a mission with a greater duration can attest to the efficacy of the longer trip.
Finally, we are not in Ukraine to serve our own needs but the needs of the children in camp. For us it would be so much easier to recruit teams for a week long trip, but would it accomplish the purpose of building deep relationships, effectively exposing the children to the Word of God, and serving the kids?
We understand an 18-21 day trip is not for everyone. But we believe to ignore the request of the directors would short change the opportunity God has given us to significantly impact the children and adults of Ukraine.