Becoming a BEYM member can be a life-changing experience, not just for you but for those whose lives you will help transform as you teach God’s Word. When you teach the Bible to children at camp, you give children the chance to participate in the mission as well, because each child is given his or her own Bible and workbooks and will be bringing them home to be shared with their own families.
Preparing for these lessons is a priority to creating a successful mission. We provide curriculum for teaching lessons, application stories to help students understand these traits in action, examples of caring for community and ecology with these traits, and instructions for topic-related crafts. This combination has proven effective for the teaching experience in the camp setting. This attaches the lesson to every personality and brain type, while reinforcing the lessons with your loving examples of living the traits openly.
As a BEYM member, you have the extraordinary opportunity to turn your summer vacation into a spiritually fulfilling camp experience. The BEYM camp sessions last 18-21 days, beginning the first of June through the end of August. It is two full weeks in a camp, with travel time and decompression time built in to this 18-21 day adventure.
TRUE LIFE EXPERIENCE: Can you imagine 30 ten-year-olds listening intently to how the life of Joseph can apply to them? Some had heard the story of Joseph but had no idea these Bible stories connect to their lives, they were amazed that Joseph could endure all of his struggles by the same strengths God was offering to them. The groundskeeper stood at the side of our class and listened to the stories every day. He thanked us for the lessons that HE needed to hear again in life. His grandson sat in this group of children, he was so thankful for our presence in camp.
This is the impact God’s Word has on youth and adults alike as they realize how these stories fit into their lives, how God’s Word is for them, personally. Transforming messages are taught in seemingly simple ways because this is what God intended, that his Word be read cover to cover.
Connecting a child to the power of God’s Word is an amazing role you and your teammates will get to play, whether near of far. Connection and relationships melt the miles, and soon you will witness the amazing changes in everyone involved: kids, counselors, staff—and you!
TRUE LIFE EXPERIENCE: The session started with 29 students excited about camp and being together, except for the one boy they wanted to kick out after the second day of camp. The boy had been in foster home after foster home, he was lying and stealing from the others – his way of gaining attention. The lessons that session allowed the teacher to take the entire group through the lessons every single day to show how acceptance, courage, and forgiveness can change a life. The group CHOSE to participate, listen, and learn these lessons. The boy returned all he had stolen to each person, with words or letters of apology and joy. His life was altered in one camp session. His group grew considerably in one camp session.
And again we say, THIS IS THE IMPACT of God’s Word in action, living the Example of Christ, Teaching the Words of His love and watching His power on a life.
We take Teaching the Word seriously, prepare your mind with the lessons, your heart for the Spirit’s guidance, and build your prayer life.

Your participation in the BEYM camp will also lead you to:
- Pray for your role in the team framework, allowing the Spirit to mold you.
- Begin raising funds/financial support. Team members will receive a fundraising packet that includes materials and instructions for raising the necessary funds for this mission effort. It is never too early to begin!
- Update inoculations. You are encouraged to follow your personal doctor’s recommendations for necessary inoculations.
- Anticipate a life changing experience!
Sounds Good Right?
There’s only one thing greater than teaching God’s Word to others at a BEYM camp.
Living God’s Word.