You are being asked to fill out the reference form because the below-referenced applicant is applying to be a part of a mission team to Ukraine this summer to work with children in a camp setting.
It is very important that team members selected are mature, adaptable, cooperative, a team player and can work well in a camp setting with children. Therefore, please try to be as honest as possible in your answers and responses.
This reference form is private information and will not be shared with the applicant or other team members
Thank you for your time and assistance.
* Denotes a Required Field
*Applicant's Name:
*Your Name:
*Your Phone Number:
*Your Email:
*How many years have you known the applicant?
*Please comment on the applicant's spiritual maturity:
*Do you find this person already ministering or mentoring with children? Please explain:
Please rank how the applicant interacts with children:
Enjoys Children:
Redirects misbehavior in a positive way:
Disciplines harshly:
Disciplines positively:
Positive Tone:
Kind and Nurturing:
Can relate to kids on their level:
Please rank the applicant according to how they work with adults in the following areas:
Team Player:
Submits to Authority:
Positive Attitude:
I recommend this applicant for a team with By Example Youth Missions (BEYM) Youth Camp Program:
Without hesitationWith reservationsI do not recommend this person
*Please explain:
*Your Digital Signature (type):
*Today's Date:
Are you a human? (anti-spambot measures)
Please review all information to make sure it is accurate before you hit "send"
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